Creating engaging science-based media to effectively communicate the challenges, solutions, and interactions between forests and climate
The Forest + Climate Visualization Partnership (FCVP) is a collaboration between scientists and communication experts at Michigan State University Forest Carbon and Climate Program (MSU FCCP) and at the State University of New York's College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) Climate and Applied Forest Research Institute (CAFRI). We are the premier US-based initiative focused on forest climate visualization education through immersive virtual reality experiences.
Our visualizations are science-aligned, data-driven and effectively communicate the complex relationships between forests, carbon, and climate to a variety of audiences including corporate decision makers, policy makers, resource managers, education professionals, landowners, students, and members of the public.

The FCVP is uniquely equipped to provide intuitive communication to address today's most complex and pressing issues surrounding forests and climate. We leverage internationally recognized expertise in forestry, climate sciences, carbon fluxes and storage, and the bioeconomy to translate peer-reviewed data into hyper-realistic forest visualizations and graphic designs to produce immersive, state-of-the-art depictions of forest ecosystem dynamics and carbon sequestration that are founded in science but accessible to all.

FCVP applies a suite of traditional and advanced tools, including animation, virtual-reality visualizations, data-driven storyboards, voice-over narration, and media optimized for social platforms as well as in-person engagement experiences.
We create virtual-reality media using state-of-the-art geospatial, 3D modeling, and real-time rendering platforms which generate ultra-realistic, highly immersive landscape scenes with interactive capabilities. These visualizations can be experienced with VR technology as well as everyday technology like phones, computers, and various displays and monitors.

Our media increases viewer understanding of the science and deep interconnectedness of forest-climate interactions by showing how human activities, as well as natural events, can impact the climate mitigation and adaptation benefits those forests provide - both now and into the future. Our visualizations empower stakeholders to enhance the role of forests and wood products in addressing climate change challenges.

This video was produced as a tool to educate foresters, policy makers, and landowners on the impacts of invasive species. The images provide a hyper-realistic visualization of complex forest impacts over time.
FCVP scholars are global leaders in forest climate science and communication, having received multiple awards and having hosted over 500 participants from more than 20 countries in forest-climate-focused educational courses. We have provided over 200 forest science-based briefings to US congressional and administration leaders and European policymakers.